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British Ice Skating's 2024 Annual General Meeting will take place:

10:00am 30th November

Attend in person:

Glacier Suite

Ice Sheffield

Coleridge Road


S9 5DA

Attend online

(viewing only - voting not possible):

via Zoom
(Pre-registration required)

What is an AGM?

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the opportunity for Members of the Association to have their say about how British Ice Skating as the National Governing Body (NGB) is running the sport.


The meeting includes a presentation of the Company's annual accounts and financial statements, a report on our activities over the preceding year, and elections for key governance positions. Attending is a great way to find out more about how BIS works, and to influence the organisation's future.

Who can attend and vote at a BIS AGM?

Attending (and voting in) the AGM is only available to 'Voting Members' outlined below as determined by the BIS Articles of Association.


You are a Voting Member if you are:

  • a BIS Full Annual Member (membership must have been held for at least 13 months by the date of the AGM)

  • an authorised parent/guardian of a Full Annual Member who is under the age of 16

  • a Life Member

  • representing an Affiliated Association (one proxy vote per Association)

  • representing an Affiliated Club (one proxy vote per Club)

  • representing an Other Affiliate (one proxy vote per Affiliate)

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Our AGM is a chance for members to have their say on who fills important leadership positions within the organisation through Board and Technical Advisory Committee elections. ​

Nominations for our TAC vacancies will close at 5pm 25th October 2024.

Voting will take place by postal ballot from 1st November, with results to be declared at the AGM on 30th November 2024.

Becoming a Candidate

If you or someone you know are interested in running for one of the available positions on our TAC groups, here's everything you need to do:

Step 1: Review the available roles and see which you're interested in.

See the table below or our 2024 Election Notice for a full list of the available positions.

Step 2: Find out what it means to be on a Technical Advisory Committee!

Our general TAC Member Role Description provides a person specification and overview of what is expected of TAC members, while the Terms of Reference ('ToR') for the individual TACs provide guidance on the groups' responsibilities and objectives:

Step 3: Complete Your Nomination

You'll need to find two other eligible British Ice Skating Voting Members to support your nomination, one as a nominator and one as a seconder. You'll then need to submit a completed and signed Nomination Form, Candidate Information Form and Candidate Statement Form to by 5pm 25th October 2024.

Available Roles
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Key information is shared and important decisions are made at AGMs; details of this year's agenda will be published at the end of October so members can explore them in advance of the meeting.

Members can also propose their own items of business and/or resolutions for inclusion in the agenda, with a deadline of 22nd September for submissions.


In accordance with the BIS Articles of Association, the minimum items of business on the 2024 AGM Agenda will include:


  • the presentation by the BIS Board of the BIS Annual Report & Financial Statements for the year to 30 June 2024;

  • a report by the BIS Board on the activities of the Association since the 2023 AGM;

  • the appointment of BIS’ external auditors for the company for the 2024/25 financial year;

  • and the Election of candidates to the vacant positions of elected Committee Members on the BIS Technical Advisory Committees, for the ensuing terms of office.


A full agenda will be published on October 31st.

Members' Proposals

Is there something you think should be on the 2024 BIS AGM agenda? Members can submit their own resolutions/items of business for potential inclusion - any such proposals must be supported by a minimum of 10 Voting Members of BIS.


Members' proposals should be submitted to by 22nd September 2024 for consideration.

Attendance & Voting

Members can attend the 2024 AGM in person or virtually via Zoom. For those wishing to join us virtually, the following form must be completed so we can verify membership status in advance of the meeting:

Past AGM Resources

Below you'll find all documents related to our past Annual General Meetings.


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