A membership with British Ice Skating enables skaters to develop and progress their skating through the range of tests and competitions that take place in the UK. Furthermore, through partnerships with commercial partners and sponsors, members have access to exclusive products and discounts, as well as being the first to hear about what is going on in the sport of Ice Skating.
Full Members can vote in our AGM and contribute to shaping the sport for the present and future, as well as being eligible to hold positions as officials and volunteers across the country.​

Skate with peace of mind
Members have insurance both for Personal Accident and Public Liability. For more information please click here.

Compete and Take Tests
Develop and progress as a skater by taking part in the range of tests and competitions that take place across the UK.

Have Your Say
Full Members can vote in our AGM and contribute to shaping the sport for the present and future, and can hold positions as officials and volunteers.


£68 / YEAR
An Associate Membership enables a skater to compete and take tests.
Members of any age can take out an Associate Membership, the only difference being that no AGM or EGM voting rights are included, and an Associate Member cannot hold an official British Ice Skating role.
Benefits include:
Eligibility to take National Tests
Ability to enter Competitions
Liability and Personal Accident Insurances
Exclusive Member Discounts
Access to BIS news and updates
NEW: Free subscription to The Body Coach App worth £89.99. Find out more.

£25 / YEAR
Our new lower cost membership category provided a more cost-effective option for BIS volunteers who don't require access to the full range of BIS Membership Benefits.
Individuals who are active on the BIS Volunteer or Officials' Directory are eligible for the Volunteer Membership.
Benefits include:
Liability and Personal Accident Insurances
Access to volunteering at BIS Events
Access to BIS news and updates
Voting rights at AGMs and EGMs
NEW: Free subscription to The Body Coach App worth £89.99. Find out more.​

£77 / YEAR
Full Membership has all the benefits of an Associate Membership, plus the ability to vote at any AGM or EGM. Should the member be under 16 or otherwise lack the capacity to vote, this right is conferred on their legal parent/guardian.
Full membership is required for any fully licensed coaching positions, roles as officials and other key positions within BIS.
Benefits include:
Eligibility to take National Tests
Ability to enter Competitions
Liability & Personal Accident Insurances
Member Discounts
Access to BIS news and updates
Voting rights at AGMs and EGMs
Can hold Official positions
NEW: Free subscription to The Body Coach App worth £89.99. Find out more.

All members have insurance both for Personal Accident and Public Liability as standard, for more information please click here.
Members can also purchase additional insurance, to obtain a quote please click here.
Bluefin Sport, our Insurance Broker, has teamed up with Jackson Lee Underwriting to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain a quotation and purchase online. There are two types of policy available:
Sports Travel + Insurance - provides cover for sports individuals, which includes cover whilst competing; which is often excluded from a standard travel policy.
Holiday Travel Insurance - provides cover for those unexpected events that could occur before a holiday, whilst travelling, or whilst on holiday e.g. cancelling or cutting short a holiday or needing medical treatment. You can choose to purchase a single trip policy to cover one holiday only or an annual multi-trip policy to cover several individual holidays.
COVID-19 cover included as standard.
Cancellation if the insured, member of the household, travelling companion or friend they are staying with are diagnosed with Covid-19 within 14 days prior to departure date.
Curtailment due to death of a close relative.
Medical Expenses including additional accommodation costs (room only) and repatriation back to the UK.
Cover for travel within Europe to destinations where the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office advice against all but essential travel solely due to assessment of Covid-19 risk.
Cancellation cover if contacted by UK Test & Trace and told to self-isolate and this prevents the insured from starting their trip.