British Ice Skating's 2024 Annual Report has now been published, where you can find out about what BIS has been working on recently, updates on key projects and governance, and highlights from our recent Membership Survey:
You can now also view the BIS Financial Year End Accounts 2023-24:
If you want to know more about upcoming BIS plans and governance decisions, why not come along to the 2024 Annual General Meeting?
30th November | 10am | Glacier Suite at Ice Sheffield
AGM Agenda
Find out what will be covered at the 2024 AGM - see the full meeting agenda:
Attending the AGM
Members eligible to attend and vote include BIS Full Annual Members who have held membership for at least 13 months by the date of the AGM or their authorised parent if they are under the age of 16, as well as BIS Life Members. Affiliated Associations and Clubs and other Affiliates also have rights to attend and vote - see our AGM webpage for more details.
Voting in the AGM
Some agenda items will involve a vote - if you're attending in person, you can vote on the day. If you're unable to attend, or only able to attend virtually, you can submit a proxy voting form in advance to allow another member or the Chair of the meeting to vote on your behalf. This can be submitted by post or by email to the address/email address included on the form but must be received by 12 noon on Wednesday 27th November: