We are thrilled to see so many people back on the ice after the extended period of rink closures. As more and more people return to our sport, we must stress that all Covid-19 rules and regulations must still be followed.
These are in place to ensure that everyone is able to skate in a safe and comfortable environment. We’d encourage you to take a moment to read the rules and regulations set out in the Government approved Return to Rinks document.
This includes the maximum number of skaters allowed on the ice, coaching ratios and limiting contact between skaters. We’d ask that you take into consideration that some people may be more nervous about getting their skates back on, so act appropriately.
You can find the Return to Rinks document here.
Clubs are encouraged to consider whether they should ask members to take a lateral flow tests before sessions. These are now widely available should your club decide to take that step.
We appreciate that rinks in Wales remain closed and are in conversation with Sport Wales, the Welsh government and other providers to ensure that we are able to support the return of skating in Wales as soon as possible.