On Tuesday 21st December, the First Minister of Scotland provided an update to the Scottish Parliament on COVID-19 and related restrictions. This reiterated the increasing challenge posed by the Omicron variant, the priority being placed on supporting the vaccine and booster programme, and the need for businesses to strengthen compliance with protection measures.
As part of the update the First Minister confirmed enhanced measures will be put in place for up to three weeks from 26th December 2021 for ‘large scale events’ and ‘indoor contact sport for adults’ and 27th December all other areas including hospitality & leisure centres.
These changes will affect the those participating in ice skating during that period, most notably Synchro clubs.
British Ice Skating has published updated guidance for participants, coaches and spectators, it can be read here.*
*This document is being reviewed by sportscotland.
The measures that will be in place across Scotland include:
1. Indoor Contact Sport (adults)
Professional and/or elite indoor contact sport with approved plans and protocols in place may continue with training and competition. For further information regarding professional/elite sport please refer to the relevant section in Return to Competitions and Events
All other indoor (adult) contact sport and physical activity should not take place during this period.
2. Large Scale Events
Large scale spectator and participation events can go ahead if 1m physical distancing measures are put in place and attendances limited to:
Indoors - 100 standing, 200 seated
Outdoors - 500 standing, and 500 seated
Further guidance relating to event organisation is available at Coronavirus advice for events | VisitScotland.org
3. Indoor Hospitality & Leisure Venues (including Gyms and Leisure Centres)
1m physical distancing should be implemented in gym and leisure centre settings. For classes limit numbers to ensure physical distancing can be maintained throughout the activity and at control entry/exit points.
All indoor hospitality venues should reintroduce physical distancing (1m) between groups (maximum 3 households per group) as well as table service in settings where alcohol is served. Please refer to Coronavirus (COVID-19): tourism and hospitality sector - gov.scot for further information.
4. Stay Home, Stay Safe
· For the three-week period, Scottish Government advises that people stay at home as much as possible, keep contacts to a minimum; and keep New Year gatherings as small as your family circumstances allow. Further Scottish Government guidance is available at Coronavirus in Scotland - gov.scot.