Our phonelines will be closed on the 22nd & 23rd of January 2024 for staff training. Staff will be monitoring their emails but less frequently than normal. We will be prioritising anything we deem to be urgent. If you are not sure who to email here are some of the most frequently monitored mailboxes:
Events: entries@iceskating.org.uk
Coaching: coaching@iceskating.org.uk
Test & Membership: test.membership@iceskating.org.uk
Not sure who to email? Email info@iceskating.org.uk and we will forward it on to the relevant department. You can also find more information on the BIS Team page.
For all safeguarding matters please contact: safeguarding@iceskating.org.uk
If a child or adult is at immediate risk of harm you must contact the Police on 101 or 999 if an emergency. You can also seek further advice from the NSPCC Telephone Helpline on 0808 800 5000.
Our phonelines will reopen on Wednesday 24th of January at 0915am.
Thank you for your patience.