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Skating from Weds 2nd December - initial guidance

As the national lockdown ends in England a tier system will be put in place. Individual areas will be placed into either medium, high, or very high levels (1,2 & 3).

This is our first interpretation of the rules that will apply to rinks and skaters and will apply from Wednesday 2nd December. However, in relation to tier 3 we are still awaiting clarity on the rules relating to ice rinks opening and the following guidance for tier three is subject to confirmation from DCMS and we are not in a position to sanction tier 3 guidelines at this time.

We must reiterate that this is the initial interpretation and that we are still waiting for DCMS and Sport England to provide an official update.

All below guidance is subject to official government confirmation.

Tier One

“Organised indoor sport and indoor exercise classes are only permitted if it is possible for people to avoid mixing in a group of more than 6 (or with people they live with or share a support bubble with).”

• Those under 18 or part of a disability team can continue to train.

• All adults are limited to groups of six and these groups cannot mix at all. Multiple groups are allowed on the ice at once but there can be no mixing of groups at all.

• An adult is classed as anyone 18 years old and above.

• If adults and under 18s are in a mixed team, the adults must form a separate group no larger than six and not mix with any other groups.

• Adult Synchro teams must now train in groups of 6. Each group of 6 can have a maximum of 15 minutes contact training per training session, between the singular group.

• Contact between Ice Dance and Pairs skaters is allowed over18 and under 18.

• Short Track adult skaters can simulate races in training with a maximum of six adults. All social distancing measures must be observed before and after races, with no more than six allowed to race at once.

Find the Return to Rinks document here.

You can find the Synchro Return to Training document here.

Tier Two

“You can take part in organised sport and physical activity outdoors with any number of people. You can only take part in organised sport, exercise classes and other group activities indoors with people you live with or share a support bubble with.”

• The latest guidance does NOT affect any training involving those under 18 or disability team.

• Synchro teams under 18 are able to continue

• Dance/pairs couples over18 training only if from the same household.

• Adults may continue to train individually (unless part of the same household or support bubble

• All skaters aged 18 or over in the high and very high tiers are restricted to individual skills training and must not have any contact or interactions with other skaters from outside of their own household or support bubble.

• Short Track can train with no contact and with no simulation race training.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport have stressed that it is not just a matter of social distancing during these training sessions but that interactions or 'mixing' of people from different households would be BREAKING THE LAW.

Tier Three

“Indoor group activities and exercise classes should not take place. You can continue to do unlimited exercise alone, or in an outdoor public place in groups up to 6."
“Indoor skating rinks must close other than for elite athletes, professional dancers and choreographers, people with a disability, supervised activities for children and for formal education or training purposes” – Taken from guidance regarding venues that must close.
  • Disability sport can continue

  • Sports as part of the curriculum in education can continue

  • Synchro teams under 18 are able to continue

  • Short track clubs activity for under 18s can take place

  • Patch for under 18s can take place

This guidance, particularly relating to tier three, is an initial interpretation and will remain that way until full confirmation is given by DCMS.



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© British Ice Skating 2020, English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, S9 5DA
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